Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Week 2 - Is this a test?

I've had this feeling in a couple of classes now, but I think this one is the proof:  This entire program is a test.  This class is called Change Management.  The way the professor grades and conducts the class is so unlike every other class I've had thus far.  It's a massive change and I swear it's a test.  It's a test to see if you can adapt and how you will handle the new expectations.  I'll admit that my first reaction was a mix of anger and sadness.  Once I faced the fear that drove those emotions, I was good and ready to go.  I just needed to know what was actually expected of me.  Once I had that, I was off. 

Here's the biggest difference between this change and some of the ones I've dealt with professionally: This one was communicated.  If you asked a question, you were given the answer you needed.  If you asked for help, you got it.  The teacher is a subject matter expert and is prone to giving good advice.  Better yet, she asks questions to get you to think.  While the grading is much tougher, I love it.  You can't reach excellence without finding out how far you can push yourself.

I'm sure some of my fellow students are not happy with this class.  That's fine.  You can't be a lion if your leader is a sheep. (I did not make this up, but I can't find a direct attribution to quote.) This class is like a whetstone for the skills I've learned thus far.  My blade is being honed and is ready for battle.  Like I said in week 1, "I WILL get an A."  I'm just working much harder for it than I've had to.

Honestly, this class is a prime example of what's wrong with the company I work for.  When you let people skate by, nobody becomes better.  You have to challenge people in order to find out who your stars are.  More importantly, you can't tolerate people who aren't keeping up.

Once again, this entire program has proven to be an eye-opener for me.  While I will be incredibly relieved when it's done, I will certainly miss the challenges I faced every week.

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